Fill THE Brief
Name of your company or product
Your area of business
Do you have a website? If there is any, please provide us with the link
How long has your company or product been on the market?
What is the current geography of your company and/or product? Are you planning on expanding into new markets?
Tell us in short, what is going on in your industry: general circumstances, trends, major players — whatever you find important for us to know
Who are your competitors? 3-5 names would be enough.
What kind of job for your business would you like to do with our help?
Do you have any estimated budget for this?
Are there any time limits you need to meet?
2-3 months
3-6 months
6+ months
How well do you know your target audience (sociodemographic indicators, income, values, needs, barriers, motivation etc.)? Would you like to research it more?
Yes, we know our audience well enough, there is research and analytics that we can share
No, and we are interested in doing it
No, we are not there yet
Have you conducted any studies, qualitative or quantitative (for example, surveys, focus groups, collecting statistics, customer development, etc.)? If not, would you like to carry them out?
Yes, there have been studies and we can share the results
No, and we are interested in doing some
No, we are not there yet
Does your company or product have an officially articulated positioning and communications strategy? If not, would you like to work on that?
Yes, it does
No, and we would like to go there
No, we are not there yet
Are you interested in working with written content in the local language(s) of the region(s) of interest (advertising campaigns and special projects, media content, UX writing etc.)?
Yes, we would like to discuss it
No, we have help indoors
What are the reputational/technical/legal specifics that you think we need to know in advance?
A person from your side to stay in touch with: name, position, and preferred method of communication *